BELMONDO® Kingsize Cover

Jointless large area flooring


Lying area

Comfort without joints

When using BELMONDO® Kingsize Cover, jointless large areas of up to 5.25 × 6 m can be covered. The large area flooring is heat insulating and improves sure-footedness when getting up and lying down. It is suitable for looseboxes and lying areas (e.g. in open stables). Moreover, it is compatible with vehicle traffic, e.g. with standard equipment such as a farm yard loader or tractor. Bedding, dust, manure and effort for maintenance are reduced significantly.

  • Jointless areas of up to 5.25 × 6 m can be covered
  • Horse-friendly soft
  • Vulcanized rubber is impermeable to water
BELMONDO® Kingsize Cover fact sheet
15 mm
up to 5.25 × 6 m
Width x length
Pebbled profile

Technical data

Learn more about technical details such as dimensions, accessories, installation, care, etc.

Instructions & downloads

Find and download information about BELMONDO® Kingsize Cover here.

Improved comfort and hygiene for your horse

BELMONDO® rubber flooring improves sure-footedness and supports a natural hoof mechanism. The mats are shock absorbing and help to protect tendons and joints. Moreover, the rubber has an insulating effect – this means less cold from below for the horses, resulting in fewer muscle disorders and stiffness. The vulcanized rubber does not absorb liquids. Bedding is, therefore, needed to soak up moisture. The rubber mat system with a minimum amount of bedding offers your horse the same constant level of softness and comfort 24 hours a day. The stable climate improves significantly, as less dust is stirred up thanks to the reduced amount of bedding.

Source: Benz et al., 2014

Confident lying behavior

Horses often react sensitively to and change their lying behavior on new ground. A study carried out by the Department of Equine Management at Nuertingen-Geislingen University showed: Quite soon after installation of the mats, the horses switched back their usual lying positions and demonstrated confident lying behavior. After several weeks, the horses spent more time lying on the rubber mats with straw pellets than they did on a conventional straw bed.

Less labor and costs for you

BELMONDO® rubber flooring helps to cut costs. Bedding is only needed to absorb urine and can, therefore, be significantly reduced. The mat provides the same amount of necessary thermal insulation, slip resistance and comfort throughout the year. The reduced amount of bedding allows for lower purchase and storage costs as well as less manure. This also significantly shortens the time needed for loosebox maintenance. The mats are durable and can be fully recycled.

Source: Benz et al., 2013
Source: Benz et al., 2013

Significant labor hour savings

A study carried out by Nürtingen-Geislingen University compared the management of horse looseboxes using a standard alternating bedding method (ca. 8-10 cm of shavings) with the use of soft rubber mats with reduced bedding (3 cm of profiled rubber + ca. 1 cm of shavings). The rubber mat system with reduced bedding helped save a significant amount of time for loosebox maintenance.

Certified quality

Our products are fully tested both at our in-house lab and in test stables. Furthermore, we have them certified by DLG (German Agricultural Society) and by the Specialist Unit for Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare (FTT) in Austria. Thanks to our unique recycling process, we are able to focus on resource-saving production and environmentally-friendly plasticizers. We were the first company to be awarded the DLG quality seal CONTINUOUS MONITORING. The entire manufacturing process – from the raw material to the finished product – is regularly examined and the actual products are subjected to a PAH migration test. You receive top quality products that are manufactured exclusively in Germany!

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